A partial archive of edxchange.opencraft.com as of Wednesday July 13, 2022.

Non-anonymous peer assessment


The option to make open response assessment (ORA2) with names or id’s of learners visible.

It will be easier for learners to report their peers who didn’t review them by following the instructions, or used inappropriate language. The current procedure for spotting such learner responses is very complicated.


Thank you for sharing this, Antoine. @Remi_Bachelet is this one of the use cases you’re covering with your project?


@antoinebilgin Doesn’t this add more risk of bias to the assessments? I think your suggested "Report user" button for ORA2 is a better way to deal with inappropriate responses.


Good point @jill_opencraft. I didn’t consider bias because in our non-edX platform, the peer review activities are never scored; learners either pass or fail. To pass, they need to submit a response that is in line with the instructions, and for reviews they need to fill out an unscored rubric, and provide constructive text feedback (not just “well-done” or the like). Anything that doesn’t follow the instructions can be flagged by report button by the learners. As there is no numerical grading, bias is not really an issue. We actually also make the peer-review non-anonymous to promote a community of learners within the course, creating the conditions for some communication/collaboration to continue after the course. Our courses target teachers and teachers in training.


That’s a great use case @antoinebilgin! In this context, your request makes sense, since it sounds like your needs go beyond just reporting inappropriate behaviour.

It’s a bit complex to implement with the current ORA2 code though – each assignment submission is tied to an anonymized student ID. Sorry to get technical here, but to get to the actual username, we’d need a platform API to give us this information, and then be very careful about when and where this function could be called. We don’t want any learner in any XBlock to be able to invoke this at any time. Would require some care and consultation to implement safely.


It would still go a long way to refine the inappropriate response/review reporting. If we could map the reported user to their own response and be able to directly act on it, e.g. removing their submission, we wouldn’t need to know who that person is. That could be achieved by having the anonymized ID displayed at the review stage, and on the ORA report csv, and having the ability to remove learner’s response or overriding their grade by inputting their anonymized ID instead of their email address.