A partial archive of edxchange.opencraft.com as of Wednesday July 13, 2022.

Per Cohort Learners dashboard


add the ability to get statistic and track information on solely the students of a specific cohort


Hey @yoavca,

Do you think it’d be better to have this dashboard as part of Insights Analytics or the main platform, under e.g. the instructors’ tab?

And which statistics would you like to track?



Hola @miguel,

In general, I don’t think that insights should be a different platform. all of the instructor operations: content management (due dates and administration, not editing content), class administration and class insights should be shown as one platform.

The question about which statistics: It’s still needs more discovery, but in general all the metrics that are part of edX insights, including per learner insights. in addition, I would like to have some insights referring the teacher to struggling students, and a referral to which subjects the class is struggling (will need content tagging).

*This feature will become redundant should we have a stable version of CCx



I believe the is to eventually regroup all theese information & reports, currently spread between different places/services, in one place. @Marcoatedx I think you were the one who mentioned this, right? If I got any of this wrong, don’t hesitate to correct me : )

But how/where the reports are accessed by the instructors is not necessarily related to where (which service) the feature should be developed in, technically - nowadays reports are meant to be added to the analytics pipeline, which has the tooling to process data reports, and which the LMS is not well suited for. New reports would likely not be accepted upstream if developed within the LMS. When the instructor dashboard is consolidated, it would then likely fetch the reports from the analytics pipeline, without requiring to go to a separate site/Insights.


@yoavca @miguel We’ve proposed a related project to a client which would use the available Open edX APIs (including the Analytics API) to provide per-cohort charts and graphs illustrating learner answers to all the multiple choice questions in a course.

It is targeted to replace a custom, Google-sheets driven solution that they developed in house, and to make it maintainable and robust.

But the general approach applies here – utilising existing APIs to access the available problem data and learner responses, contributing to these APIs to add cohort-awareness, using OAuth to provide seamless authentication and access between the LMS and the tool, and using the grunt of the Analytics Pipeline where heavy-lifting analytics processing is required.

And now with the new Open edX platform feature django app plugins, we can provide links between the LMS sections/units and the reporting tool, and make the GUI experience completely seamless for Course Instructors, without having to integrate permanently with the platform. Django app plugins are nascent but powerful and exciting feature!

With this, and the APIs already available in the platform, question of “where the tool should live in the platform GUI” becomes less important than “what the tool provides”, and “how easy it is to find and use”.